Celebrities who open up about their mental health: What can we learn?

When we’re having a hard time with our mental health, it can be easy to think that we’re all alone –...
If a troubled relationship could be contributing to you or your partner’s low mood, we are here to help you understand your emotions and feel closer in your relationship.
When you’re struggling with your mental health, you want to find the help you need right away. At Therapy For You, we support you to understand your thoughts and feelings, and guide you on your journey to feeling better.
We’re committed to delivering professional, prompt and confidential therapy when and where it’s needed. We break down the barriers to accessing mental health support, empowering you to develop the skills to manage your emotional and psychological health in the way that works best for you.
From one-to-one therapy and in-person group therapy sessions, to Omni Online CBT courses and ieso typed therapy. Our flexible approach helps you find the right treatment path to improve your mental wellbeing, so you can look forward to a happier, healthier tomorrow.
We offer a range of free talking therapy options to suit all preferences and circumstances.
Explore our services to find the path that fits you best.
Our Omni Online CBT courses are created so you can manage your own mental health and wellbeing when and where it suits you. Gain instant access to immediate treatment in the form of video-driven, bite-size courses, all developed and delivered by experienced NHS clinicians. With each course dedicated to a specific mental health problem, get help mastering techniques to improve your wellbeing, and start one of our CBT-based courses now.
Speak about what’s troubling you face-to-face with a qualified, supportive therapist – in the comfort and security of a private, confidential setting. Here you can openly discuss your feelings, experiences and symptoms, working one-on-one with your therapist to identify beneficial techniques and skills tailored to your specific circumstances.
Explore your emotions and develop lifelong techniques, surrounded by people who share the same challenges as you. Our safe, confidential group therapy sessions are led by qualified mental health professionals that get you talking about your thoughts and feelings with peers who understand your situation. Together, take significant steps to feeling better.
If you cannot attend regular therapy in person, we can bring a qualified therapist to you through our dedicated video calls. Speaking with your therapist on camera at a time and place that suits you, you can openly discuss any issues that are causing you distress or making you feel uncomfortable. You’ll learn new techniques to help you overcome your problems and start you on your path to feeling better.
If you have a busy family life, mobility issues or other barriers to getting out and about, we can make sure you still have access to the support you need through phone therapy. We arrange calls between you and a qualified therapist throughout the day, meaning you can always access mental health guidance and support at a time and place that’s convenient for you.
Mental health support that’s there when you need it. When you can’t find a voice to express how you feel, typed therapy by ieso enables you to text your fully qualified therapist at any place and time. Based on proven CBT techniques, you can discuss your concerns in a safe, private and relaxed way, maintaining a record of conversations you can always revisit to support your recovery.
Our free treatment pathways at Therapy For You have successfully supported people with a range of common mental health problems – from anxiety and depression to OCD and phobias. Find out how we can help you overcome your struggles and make a lasting difference to your life.
If ongoing sadness or low mood is preventing you from finding any enjoyment in life, we can help you develop skills to escape these dark times.
When anxiety becomes a constant presence, we can help you calm your thoughts and reduce your day-to-day worries.
Extreme stress can be mentally and emotionally exhausting – let us help you identify your trigger points and develop effective coping skills.
Do you regularly suffer from panic attacks? We are here to help you manage the impact these experiences have on your life.
A life-changing loss can be one of the toughest experiences you can go through. We help you overcome the burden surrounding your grief.
If low confidence or self-esteem is impacting your career, relationships or overall wellbeing, we support you to improve your self-perception.
Struggling to get regular, good-quality sleep? We help you understand the cause of your sleep problems and develop positive, lasting habits.
As you age, you may be finding it hard to adapt to how this changes your life. We assist you in coming to terms with this process.
Living with a physical health issue can also challenge your mental health. We help you adapt to your circumstances and support your emotional wellbeing.
Have you felt depressed or anxious since becoming a parent? Explore techniques that help you cope with and overcome your low mood.
If you find it hard to control anger and it’s impacting your home or social life, we guide you through techniques to calm yourself.
Flying, needles, spiders, confined spaces – we provide practical therapy that helps you manage the extreme phobias and fears you struggle with.
If obsessions and compulsions take over your day-to-day routines, we help you identify your intrusive thoughts and manage your unhealthy patterns.
Learn how you can use mindfulness to quieten your mind, cope with stress and feel more ‘in the moment’.
Depression can impact every part of our lives, especially our closest relationships. We help you understand your emotions and overcome challenges, together.
Talking therapy is a mental health treatment where you speak to a trained, qualified professional about your thoughts, feelings and behaviours.
Also known as talking treatments or psychological therapy services, talking therapies and counselling are clinically tested and incredibly effective. Our professional team helps you access this support in a variety of in-person and remote pathways, teaching you powerful techniques and strategies to manage all common mental health problems – from depression and anxiety, to OCD and trouble sleeping.
Therapy For You is an NHS Talking Therapy service that provides people in North East and South East Essex with free access to trusted, helpful mental health support.
Provided by Essex Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (EPUT), our specialist Psychological Wellbeing Practitioners, Counsellors, EMDR Therapists and Cognitive Behavioural Therapists have helped thousands of people in our communities over the years. Offering a range of therapies and treatment pathways, we are actively guiding people on their journey feeling better.
Therapy For You’s free mental health services are accessible in our North East and South East Essex catchment areas. If you are registered with a GP in the Colchester, Tendring, Southend, Castle Point and Rochford regions, we are ready to help you.
Mental health services in North East Essex
Here are the areas and postcodes covered by our mental health services, available for anyone aged 16 or over.
Mental health services in South East Essex
Here are the areas and postcodes covered by our mental health services, available for anyone aged 18 or over.
Taking the step into therapy can be a difficult decision, and we understand if you want to know more about our approach. Below you’ll find the answers to some of our most frequently asked questions.
NHS Talking Therapies, formerly known as Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT), is the NHS’s free programme to deliver talking therapies to people with depression and anxiety disorders across England.
Therapy For You is a proud part of NHS Talking Therapies, offering services to individuals across North East and South East Essex.
Yes, talking therapies have a strong track record of effectiveness for a wide range of mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, stress, panic attacks, phobias and more. 1.24 million people accessed NHS Talking Therapy services in 2021-2022.
There are several different types of talking therapy services available in Essex, including:
Talking therapies offer notable advantages when compared to other types of mental wellbeing treatments:
There are several ways you can access Therapy For You’s mental health services:
Therapy For You offers a wide range of treatment options to help ensure our patients receive the most suitable support for them. These options include:
Furthermore, through our dedicated couple depression therapy, we can work with both people in a relationship to overcome their challenges and enjoy a happier, healthier future.
Yes. Whilst your GP can refer you directly for mental health support, the majority of our patients refer directly to us. You can contact us through any of the means above and we will arrange an assessment of your mental health needs.
As an NHS service we adhere to strict practices which assure your safety and confidentiality. However you’ll understand that we must sometimes share information as required with other NHS professionals (such as your GP) to support your care and treatment, or to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you.
In the event of needing to seek help from others on your behalf, we will always talk to you about this first.
Yes. As part of NHS Talking Therapies, all of our treatment services, from face-to-face sessions to our online CBT courses, are completely free to access for individuals in North East and South East Essex.
You must be at least 16 years old to access our services in North East Essex, while you must be at least 18 years old for our services in South East Essex.
There is no fixed length for our talking therapy treatments. Many will generate results in between 8 and 16 therapy sessions, but this will vary depending on a person’s circumstances. During your initial assessment we will determine how many sessions could be suitable, and will flexibly adapt this during the course of your treatment.
Potentially. If you have undertaken a particular type of talking therapy before that you found to be effective or ineffective, we can adapt accordingly. However, as mental health specialists, we will always recommend what we believe to be the most viable talking treatment based on your concerns and situation.
Therapy For You can provide therapy through the use of translators when this is required. Whilst we make every effort to accommodate people’s needs, we can only respond in line with the availability of the translator, so may utilise video or telephone to offer therapy in a timely consistent manner.
Our experts at Therapy For You are qualified in a wide range of therapeutic modalities, including:
Many of our professionals are also Long Term Condition and trauma-focused therapy trained.
Where Therapy For You utilises trainees, they will be a sufficient way through their training to be considered competent to undertake the work they are given and are highly supervised. You will always be informed if you have been allocated a therapist in training.
Due to present waiting times at Therapy For You and NHS Talking Therapies across the country, it may be several months after your initial assessment that you see or speak to a therapist. During this wait, you may benefit from trying one or more of our free online courses, which you can access immediately.
Yes. Several of our therapy treatment pathways are conducted online for people who cannot or would prefer not to travel for in-person therapy. These online options include video calls, typed therapy (in partnership with ieso) and our free video-based CBT courses.
When we’re having a hard time with our mental health, it can be easy to think that we’re all alone –...
Every day, our minds are flooded with thousands of automatic thoughts – as many as 60,000 according to certain...
Whether you’ve just started a new job, received negative feedback from a team member, or returned after a long...
At Therapy For You, the experience, knowledge and compassion of our qualified therapists have been at the heart of many people’s journeys to a more fulfilling life.
Our decades of combined expertise across multiple types of talking therapy, including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and professional counselling, means we know how to get to the root of your concerns and provide you with the most relevant, effective techniques to overcome them.
With multiple pathways available both in-person and remotely, all accessible at absolutely no cost, we go further to ensure you receive the best type of support for your circumstances. Face-to-face, over the phone, via text – every avenue is open to you.
Plus, because we understand how long wait times for therapy can be, our immediately available online CBT courses and fast access to ieso typed therapy makes it easier and quicker to find support while you wait to speak to a qualified therapist.
Discover our treatment pathways, gain lifelong techniques to improve your wellbeing and embrace a happier, healthier future.
Omni Online CBT
Instantly begin an online video course delivered by trained NHS clinicians.
Talking Therapies
Make a self-referral for our 1-1, group, phone or video therapy sessions.
ieso Typed Therapy
Check your eligibility for ieso and text a qualified therapist around your schedule.